#Ed Mylett
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integratedsoul · 10 months ago
✨WEEK: 5/5/24-5/12/24✨
How did I ✨REALIGN✨ this week?: 
-podcasts: Ed Mylett with Leila Hormozi "Act from your values, not your feelings"; Ed Mylett solo podcast about fear; Katorina Satori (abundance/intimacy wound) on Youtube; profound on youtube; Dr. Joe Dispenza, body wisdom podcast: 3 steps to get out of freeze mode; human design/ gene keys
-learning about Near Death Experiences on YouTube; miraculously inspiring
What did I ✨EAT✨/ What ✨EXERCISE✨ did I indulge in?: -I planted the garden! I made sourdough discard crackers & pizza, granola, meatloaf with billy, beef tacos, fritzs cinny rolls.. lots of: yogurt bowls, deli sandwiches, & protein shakes.
-took a break from my 'normal' routine; had a bit of a lazy week mentally; still showed up physically everyday. Consistency is how progress shows up. 
What did I ✨PRIORITIZE✨ this week:
-Joining masterclasses: putting myself in the room to learn and be a student, to gain wisdom and insight from others! Commit as my higher self!  5/4: Quantum coaching masterclass w/ Ashley 5/5: pause breath work master class 5/6: thriving in midlife w/ Dr. Edie 5/7: sound engineering with the being method 5/8: billy & I cooked meatloaf cups and dessert on zoom with PA cooking class 5/8: Gerrian Jones breakthrough session 5/10 & 5/11: Tony Robbins Unshakeable business 5/12: Dr. Nicolya human design master class 
What did I ✨OBSESS✨ over this week: 
-writing & editing scripts, recording & posting videos: releasing multiple this week
-masterclasses: favorites from the week: Tony Robbins- unshakeable business & Dr. Nicolya- human design 
-podcasts: favorites: Ed Mylett with Leila Hormozi, Body Wisdom podcast how to get out of freeze; youtube- katorina satori & Dr. Nicolya
What would I ✨RECOMMEND✨ for next week: 
-BOOKS: “It didn't start with you”- Mark Wolymn / psychology around quitting substances/addictions -Allen Carr
-meditation book→ get back into journaling my mediations & continue with morning pages in new book! (get book & decorate it→format the front with: gratitude list, your why, your values)
-morning breathwork practice followed by qigong, tapping, movement 
-profound personalized self care: find a ‘strategy’ that you can use to tap into your intuitive→ MUSCLE TESTING (ask very basic questions that you know the answer to, then see how other questions feel after establishing a “specific” expected outcome)
-dive more into the quantum realm and manifest something small to generate positivity on my journey What did I TRY this week: / or What was your favorite ✨TEACHING✨ you learned?
-BALANCE INSULIN* →main hormone to balance for OPTIMAL health (Dr. Edie)
OTHER NOTES:  1. It’s not about how you feel- it’s about how you react to your feelings- how you react to the parts of yourself that are afraid of the situation!!!!!!  2. Be mindful be smart but also be courageous—> know what serves you and what doesn’t but know what has the potential to serve you    3. Treat yourself like a friend to allow parts of you to change!  4. Do things with courage, you can be scared and still do something, and when you’re finished you realize it wasn’t even scary anyway!! Daily breakdown: 5/5/24→my effort is more than nothing. (breath, qigong, workout) 5/6/24→my life is full of devotion. (breath, yoga, workout, 20 yin) 5/7/24→I have powers in my body. (pickleball, lets up wall) 5/8/24→my love ripples throughout the world. (meditation, workout, garden) (end cycle) 5/9/24→we are one beating consciousness. (run, emotional clearing, hips yoga, meditations) 5/10/24→I am here for the full human experience. (tony robbins unshakeable business) 5/11/24→my life is exactly as I make it. (yoga, workout) 5/12/24→my energy lights up around the safest people in my life. (short breathwork practice, insight timer meditation, qigong, yoga, EFT, workout) 
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raffaellopalandri · 2 years ago
Book of the Day - The Power of One More
Today’s Book of the Day is The Power Of One More, written by Ed Mylett in 2022 and published by Wiley. Ed Mylett is a successful entrepreneur who writes and talks about his experience, mixing it with highly effective, practical strategies. Over the years, he has been involved in several tech, real estate, medical, and food ventures, and his success led him to be named in the SUCCESS 125 list of…
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wisemancax · 1 year ago
The CUTTING EDGE of Neuroscience with Dr. Caroline Leaf
The CUTTING EDGE of Neuroscience with Dr. Caroline Leaf Ed Mylett – Industries in one place, sharing their journey, knowledge and thought leadership.
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thenunujournals · 28 days ago
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"If you only had 5% today and you gave 5%, you actually gave 100% effort" - Ed Mylett
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The October Make-Over 🎃
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Hello Girlies, this is my October Makeover - feel free to join me if you want! And to customize to whatever you’re working on! (And that could be rest and recovery too!) @mamabeatnik @anolderlove @2pretty @abeatingheart @alicedowntherabbithole-blog
Hyperfocus October: 🍁 🧠
Keep a running distractions notepad.
Put your phone in airplane mode +/- Do not Disturb.
Keep phone in a drawer/bag, different room, etc.
NO TEXTING BEFORE 5pm UNLESS CRITICAL/EMERGENCY (only exception is texting brother and spouse)
List your distractions. (For me: non-critical busywork tasks, email, depressive states, baby stuff, fighting, gossiping, thinking about my traumatic past lol, worrying about the future, finances and budgeting, low self esteem thoughts, having too many metaphorical “irons in the fire”, not exercising and then having lack of focus/energy/positive mood, Fear of success)
Action October: 🍁
Go live with that project you’ve been putting off. (For me it’s my music Youtube channel. Find an equivalent project for yourself! What are you afraid of doing but want to do? Is shame holding you back like it is for me?)
Remember: You will never be perfect to your standards! You just have to do it. Perfectionism is a form of fear.
Take action on that thing you’ve been complaining about/feeling trapped about. (For me: Actually hire a sitter to have actual date nights/mornings/etc! Rather than mentally complain that “you never get time with ur spouse anymore blah blah”.)
Accountability October:
Make a physical, visual workout tracker for the month to see your progress and consistency over time
Have Friday evening check-ins for a budget, calendar, admin
Zero gossiping!
Zero negativity! Say 3-5 positive/grateful things for every negative/critical thing you say.
Love October: Per Ed Mylett’s Power of One More concept.
Give your sweetie a hug, and then one more!
If you normally give them a greeting kiss, give them one more! Spend a minute hugging, then one more! etc.
Give them a compliment, and then one more!
Go on a weekly date night, and then a little extra time!
Nature October:
Leave the windows open at night!
Enjoy fall candles
Air duvets on balcony overnight
Eat outside as much as possible
Weekends October:
Pumpkin patch trip
Feed the homeless
Make cards for kids in the hospital
Actually go to church events (ie for me cookouts at least once)
Actually take a sabbath (i’d like to do zero chores! Cook/clean ahead). Give yourself the gift of a day completely off!
Make apple pies
Spending $$Sober October: 💵 🍁
NO AMAZON PURCHASES unless absolutely critical
Grocery budget: no fancy vegan foods like vegan cheese, burgers, brats, etc. You can do without that for just a month!
Grocery budget continued: Consider picking fresh wild flowers when possible instead of buying flowers! Or 5$ pretty carnations!
Create a financial goal: ie, house, car, laptop, iPad, 10k savings. Something not too big so it is still attainable. Mine: 10k in savings by January; $$ so I can get Thermage at dermatology!
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October Fallcore Hard-Core mornings: Level up from the 5am club!
Get up an hour earlier than usual by the end of October: Wake up 15 minutes earlier each week. (Ie: week 1. 4:45a. Week2, 430a, etc.)
Morning ice bath (or cold plunge outside)
More time reading Bible/praying
Selfcare October:
Weekly clay face mask
Weekly steam/ice facial
(Daily skincare routine should go without saying! It does for me. Cleanser, Vit C + SPF am, retinol + moisturizer pm. If you’re not already doing this, you need to fix your life!)
Weekly epsom salt bath
Daily green juice
Weekly intensive journaling (for me: jordan peterson’s selfauthoring suite)
Fitness October:
30 days of Yoga (YT Yoga w Adriene)
Zone 2 cardio > 3x/week (for me - running, swimming)
Stretching afterwards, side splits (TLB on YT)
Pull-ups on Tuesday and Thursday
Weekend warrior: extra long run or swim
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Inspire October:
Meditate daily > 15 minutes
Spend time riding your bike > 1x/month
Get rollerblades again! Skate > 1x/week
Let your mind wander for a few minutes daily!
Watch inspiring YT videos (for me, that’s Robin Sharma etc).
Read for pleasure/inspiration > 1x/week!
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Grind October:
Get to work/school 30-60 minutes earlier than you usually do
Have at least one day per week where you work insane hours in person (ie big experiment, long project)
Lay out your work outfit the night before so mornings are a little easier.
Professional Goals October:
Have at least one major needle-moving goal accomplished this month in your school/work.
For me it’s:
Submit manuscript
Complete dissertation
Apply to defend dissertation
Defend dissertation
Complete scoping review
Complete meta data analysis
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jeanpatrice · 9 months ago
9 Keys To Success They Don’t Want You To Know - Ed Mylett (Motivational ...
Discover 9 Keys to Success They don’t want you to know. In this video, we reveal the hidden strategies that successful people use to stay ahead. Learn powerful techniques for setting and achieving goals, boosting productivity, and maintaining a winning mindset. Discover how to leverage your strengths, overcome obstacles, and stay motivated on your path to success.
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hughaddison · 2 years ago
The LEGENDARY Troy Aikman - How he stays on TOP of his GAME
As aspiring writers we often look for sources of inspiration. One that I reach for regularly is the Ed Mylett show. This is one show that I aspire to be on when I am a Number One New York Times Best Selling Author @EdMylettShow
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xatskee · 3 months ago
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#QuoteOfTheDay (20241205):
“Kekuatan tumbuh di saat-saat ketika Anda merasa tak mampu lagi melanjutkan, tetapi Anda tetap melangkah.” (Ed Mylett)
Kekuatan sejati seseorang tidak muncul saat segala sesuatu berjalan lancar, tetapi justru ketika ia berada di titik terendah, menghadapi kelelahan, kesulitan atau dilema berkepanjangan. Saat ia tetap maju, ia tengah membangun ketangguhan, keberanian dan kemampuan yang lebih tinggi untuk menghadapi tantangan di masa depan.
Nouman Ali Khan berkata, “Allah tidak memberikan cobaan kepada seseorang untuk menghukumnya, tetapi untuk membuatnya lebih kuat. Ujian adalah cara Allah membentuk masa depanmu, bukan menghancurkannya.” Sedang Salim A. Fillah berkata, “Kesulitan itu adalah kunci bagi pintu rahmat. Ia seperti gumpalan awan gelap yang mendatangkan hujan. Maka, nikmatilah prosesnya, karena setiap langkahmu mendekatkanmu kepada Allah.”
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/x_QoTD
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motiva8me · 4 months ago
NEVER SETTLE FOR EASY (2024) - Best Motivational Speech https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2aupCXHKRk #keeppushingforgreatness #stepbystep #motivation #inspiration #dontgiveup 🔥 Commitment fuels achievement; so dive in, give it your all, and do it hard – the path to success is paved with relentless determination. In the arena of life, those who dare to do it hard are the ones who rewrite the rules, shatter expectations, and leave an indelible mark on the world. 🚀 #motivation #aspiration #determination #power #dontgiveup #pushharder #success Speakers: Mel Robbins Les Brown James E.Dixon Jordon Peterson Jocko Willink Eric Thomas David Goggins Ed Mylett via Motiv8Me https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9GvfnLbT8QNKr0hFZ84P8w November 16, 2024 at 12:32AM
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finalexpensetelesalespro · 5 months ago
Is a College Degree Essential for Success? Exploring the Insurance Industry as a Path to Financial Freedom!
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The debate about whether a college degree is essential for success has persisted for years. While many believe higher education is a gateway to a prosperous career, it’s not the only path. In fact, some of the wealthiest individuals globally never completed their college education. According to statistics, 739 out of 2,473 billionaires did not finish college, proving that success can be achieved through alternative routes.
One often-overlooked industry that offers incredible potential for those without a college degree is insurance. With the right systems in place and dedication, individuals in this field can earn six to seven figures annually, sometimes surpassing the incomes of doctors and CEOs.
The Rewarding Side of the Insurance Industry
The financial aspect is just one benefit. Many people are drawn to insurance because of the profound impact they can have on others. As an insurance agent, providing a death benefit to a family during their time of need is a deeply rewarding experience. The emotional support and financial security you offer can change lives, making a career in insurance fulfilling on multiple levels.
Success Without a Degree: Real-Life Stories
Patrick Bet-David – Founder of PHP Agency, Bet-David turned a simple idea into a multi-million dollar insurance company, showing that determination and vision are key to success.
Ed Mylett – An influential figure in the World Financial Group (WFG), Mylett’s success demonstrates that a college degree isn’t necessary for building a successful career in insurance.
Art Williams – A former high school coach, Williams revolutionized the insurance industry by making term life insurance accessible to millions, demonstrating the power of innovation.
Ron Powell – Founder of Senior Life Insurance Company, Powell’s journey from agent to CEO showcases how the insurance industry can lead to extraordinary entrepreneurial success.
Starting Your Insurance Career
Becoming a licensed life insurance agent is straightforward and achievable without a college degree. All you need is to be 18 years old, have a high school diploma, and complete the required pre-licensing courses. You can take your courses online, allowing you to balance other commitments while preparing for your future.
Career Options in Insurance
After getting your license, you can choose between two primary paths:
Work for an Agency: This option provides structure, training, and support for those new to the field.
Work Independently: As an independent agent, you have the flexibility to set your own hours and potentially earn higher commissions. This path is ideal for those with an entrepreneurial spirit.
Take the First Step
If you’re considering a career in insurance, enrolling in pre-licensing courses is your first move. Companies like Xcel Solutions offer online courses and certifications to help you prepare for the licensing exam. Use the promo code “MakeMoneyTravel” to get a 50% discount on your training course today.
While a college degree can be a stepping stone to success, it’s not the only path. The insurance industry offers a viable and lucrative alternative for those willing to put in the effort. With the right mindset, hard work, and proper licensing, you can achieve financial success and make a meaningful impact on people’s lives, all without the need for a traditional college degree.
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integratedsoul · 9 months ago
✨WEEK: 5/27/24-6/2/24✨
How did I REALIGN this week?: 
-had lots of sleepovers and deep conversations with rafiq/fairmount -KANGEN MACHINE CAME 🚰 💧 -found past journals and books in the garage and read through them. Most entries were from 2020/2021 and made me realize I had been planting seeds all along my journey. 🧚🪄
What did I EAT & what type of exercise did I do?
Consistently need to get better with consciously eating! I don’t track and would like to know what my macros are.
I have been doing functional movement/exercise w/ tending to the garden (SEX MAKING MY 🍑PLUMP)
Incorporate dance workouts + motivational speeches / mediations when needed! ENERGY BOOST!
What did I PRIORITIZE this week and what can I prioritize next week: 
Need to prioritize kangen
Improve morning routine (achieve breathwork + morning pages every day)
What did I OBSESS over this week:  
-listened to podcasts:
✨OOOM (nikki + bella)
✨Casey bud breathwork ^ interview 
✨ED Mylett: 9 keys to winning in life
What would I RECOMMEND for next week:
✨BREATHWORK!!! Improve morning routine (achieve breathwork + morning pages every day)
✨Need to prioritize kangen
✨Watch: life project mastery: vision → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rw2qaMltFcY 
What did I TRY this week / or what was your favorite TEACHING you learned?:
I tried Pho! It was our official first sit down date. I was so nervous the whole time. 
I learned to NOT define my value/character/worth based on someone’s actions/ thoughts/ feelings towards me. What others do/say have absolutely NOTHING to do with me and everything to do with THEM. I received a phone call from a female that manuel had a gf the whole time we were dating and lied about what i said to him. It’s nothing to do with me.
5/27/24→ “Love will unite us” (breath, qigong, workout, some foam rolling)
5/28/24→ “I am alive”
5/29/24→ “My dream life is ready for me” rafiq brought me🌻🌹flowers🌻🌹
5/30/24→ “how others act does not define my character” arm workout, bella breath, dug up steps in grass
5/31/24→ “Life is miraculous” weeded garden, date night (pho & cold stone)
6/1/24→”my life is exactly how i create it” (breathwork, qigong, eft, workout) fairmount park🌻🌹more flowers🌻🌹
6/2/24→”everything is working out for me, always” basketball, planted rose stems
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newmusicweekly · 9 months ago
Cumulus Podcast Network Adds ''The Candy Valentino Show''
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"The Candy Valentino Show" has joined the Cumulus Podcast Network. Entrepreneur and author Candy Valentino talks with some of the world's most successful minds, including Tony Robbins, Daymond John, Ed Mylett and Heidi Zak, while offering insights drawn directly from her 26 years of expertise launching and selling her own businesses. She discusses wealth habits, business models, profit plans, real estate investing and much more to help listeners achieve security and wealth. A new episode of "The Candy Valentino Show" drops each Monday and Thursday. The podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, Stitcher, TuneIn, Pocket Casts, and Google Podcasts, among other platforms. The Cumulus Podcast Network will distribute, market, and monetize all past and future episodes of "The Candy Valentino Show." Read the full article
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growfinancialy · 9 months ago
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jungbogeun · 11 months ago
WOII Week 4~5
For the 4th week class, we brought One or more objects that you think are well crafted, One or more objects that you think are materially interesting, One or more objects that you feel are historically or personally significant. Most of the items that were "well-made" were items that made our lives easier. In particular, there were many electronic devices such as smartphones and headsets. Ed Mylett said it was stupid to think of a day as 24 hours in this age of internet development. We live in a more advanced age than when the concept of 24 hours a day was created. We can solve a lot of things in a short time compared to then. He said to live a day thinking of it as six hours. He also said, as the day went by, look back on what I did and what I didn't do. Smartphones and the Internet have made our lives amazingly fast and convenient.
In the 5th week of class, we visited the National Museum of Singapore. The exhibition hall we  would look around was an exhibition hall located on the second floor and underground.  As I said in Week 4, the world is changing rapidly. We can learn a lot of knowledge and experiences through the Internet. The exhibition hall allowed us to experience artificial forests through advanced technology. The era is approaching where we can feel nature even if we don't go to the forest or go outside. The development of these technologies has also affected the realm of art. I've liked to paint for a long time. There are many ways of painting, but I like digital painting among them. Digital painting has really limitless possibilities. Digital paintings can represent various materials and textures. In addition, it has various advantages such as convenience and time reduction. That is why I like and learn digital painting. 
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jeanpatrice · 11 months ago
Why To Start loving yourself More than Others - Ed Mylett (Best Motivati...
Discover why self-love is the most important thing to practice in your life. This video addresses the transformative power of self-love to empower your confidence and well-being. Explore the reason why it is more than crucial to prioritize your own well-being and happiness above all else. 
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buildwithakil · 1 year ago
(Such a late post)
HAHAHAHA: Break me out the funk, load up a lil personnel development via Ed Mylett, and I missed Pace Morby {divine intervention}, but I circled back and got Koloa W. And, Ryan Tseko, and a way for me to get out my own damn way, the drank and a lil puff puff, and BOOM BABY!!!
I close the deal with my man Mike here.
How about he owns a ceramic resurfacing company, and has come up with an exclusive technique, that got him redoing the infamous Jerry Jones yacht. 🛥️
We talked he shared some info about his ex-wife and her defaming his character, even tho he was probably guilty of all the cheating and lies… (lol, with reason) Either way told him we were working on an idea that might give avenues to protect some of his funds and he was like see what you’re talking about wipper snapper!
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